X - The Exploited (X - A rendszerből törölve)
Karoly Ujj-Mészáros - hu

Year of Production
- Fantasporto - Nominee Directors' Week Award, Best Film
- Fantasporto - Winner Directors' Week Award, Best Screenplay (Bálint Hegedûs, Károly Ujj Mészáros)
- Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival - Nominee Vicious Cat, Best Feature Film
- Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival - Winner Audience Award, Best Film
- Hungarian Film Week - Nominee Best Production Design (Balázs Hujber), Best Actress (Mónika Balsai)
- Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival - Nominee Silver Méliès Award, Best European Fantastic Feature Film
- Seattle International Film Festival - Nominee Golden Space Needle Award, Best Director
- Braunschweig International Film Festival - Winner Volkswagen Financial Services Filmpreis, Best Film
- Chicago International Film Festival - Nominee World Cinema/Out-Look Competition, Best Film
- Warsaw International Film Festival - Nominee Competition 1-2 Award, Best Film